In the Israeli ban on UNRWA, the Gaza weakens the ceasefire

In the Israeli ban on UNRWA, the Gaza weakens the ceasefire

UNRW’s Mahaukhta Lazar informed the Ambassador to the New York Protection Council and warned that these laws adopted by the Israeli Parliament Conset in October 2021 have put the life of millions of Palstinians in danger and the law is at risk of weakening.

Philip Lazarini said that Israeli Parliament, including Israel, West Coast, Gaza and East Yershalam, denied international law and wanted to stop UNRW’s activities, including Israel, West Coast and East Yershalam.

Under the Israeli Act, any kind of government communication has been banned from any person who is working on the UNRWA or on his behalf.

Philip Lazarini said, “Now keep our activities away from a political process, and when it is so low in the international community – this ceasefire will weaken.”

“This situation will break the Gaza rebuild, rebuild and marginal change.”

He called for “decisionful intervention” from the council to support peace and stability in the Palestinian region and wide region.


Philip Lazarini emphasized that these laws of the consolate would be fully implemented, “destructive”.

He said that in Gaza, weakening UNRW’s activities would weaken international human assistance steps.

This is that UN skills will be reduced, it is also in a situation when humanitarian assistance needs to be increased.

“This situation will make the situation worse already,” said General Philip Lazari, Commissioner of the Agency.

The unique role of the agency

Until the question of Palestine is a political solution, UNRWA was established by the UN General Assembly to provide humanitarian and other necessary services to Palestinian refugees.

Philip Lazarini emphasized that the work of UNRW could not be easily presented to other institutions, as its effectiveness and reliable beauty with the service and the community are unparalleled.

He said, “The presence of the agency establishes stability in intense uncertainty. The weakening of UNRWA will damage the Gaza reconstruction and possibilities of peace.”

The law of the Israeli Parliament Conset is urged to be expelled in East Jerusalem immediately and if this happens, 70,000 patients and 1,000 students will finish access to health and education services.

… I continue to continue …