DRC: insecurity in violent conflict and deep crisis from crime

DRC: insecurity in violent conflict and deep crisis from crime

According to the United Nations Office (OCHA) for coordination in the humanitarian assistance case, there is also news of the death of relief workers in the violence and there are greater human rights violations.

UN spokesman Stepan Duzarick told reporters on Monday that millions of people were homeless in Lubero, located in Lubero, north of North Kivur, the capital of the northern Kivur.

“Many local health centers have been forced to stop their activities and our partners organizations have notified human rights violations, including rape.”

The East DRC has news of the Challenging and crime and target violence in the Rwanda -backed M33 rebels.

Goma has become serious in criminal activities, looting, abducting and taking vehicles under their occupation. In some cases there is also a report of human death.

In South Kivu, especially the provincial capital, Bookabu and both the crime and insecurity are also prevalent, where information has been collected in terms of looting and rape.

UN spokesman Stepan Duo, the OCHA’s appeal, has revisited that all parties have to perform their specific duties under the International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Act.

Meanwhile, the UN mission of the Congo Democratic Republic has warned that the situation is difficult to guide the situation where M32 has been imprisoned. Now this group is moving towards Lubero.

According to the UN spokesperson, in this situation, it is very difficult to fulfill its obligation under M33 in North Kivu province.

However, the UN mission has protected thousands of people who have sheltered in its camp and are trying to send them out of safe goma.