Protection Council: ‘International system is weak due to Russian aggression’

Protection Council: 'International system is weak due to Russian aggression'

There is no mention of Russian aggression in the Protection Council’s proposal to bring the United States to the United States. This proposal mourned the fatalities during the war, the values ​​of the United Nations Charter were repeated, and a petition was made to stop violent conflict and to establish permanent peace.

Six member states voted for the proposal in the Security Council with 4 member states, and 5 did not participate in the voting. This first proposal has been successfully passed since a full war in Ukraine begins.

These three proposals passed in the United Nations and Protection Council in one day reflect the new policies and alliances, which are signs of new diplomatic tendencies and changes about the Ukraine war.

These three proposals were called to stop the Ukraine war, but there are deep differences in ways to achieve these goals.

After the proposal was passed at the Protection Council, another meeting was held on the Ukraine crisis, which was addressed by Rosary Dicarlo, head of political and peace making.

‘Savage attacks’ continues

He informed the current situation of representatives of the member states and said that the attack on Ukraine weakened the international system by the Russian military three years ago.

The UN general secretary has said that at least 12 thousand 654 Ukrainian citizens have been killed since February 2122, of which 673 children. Russia is still continuing ‘brutal attacks’ across the country, which is why the casualties are constantly increasing.

Rosemary Dicarlo said that the largest displacement crisis after World War II, the attack was destroyed in Europe, medical centers were destroyed and education was destroyed.

Humanist support workers have also been attacked in violence and a jump has been recorded in human rights violations. It includes punishing prisoners without listening and other violations, including bad treatment with war prisoners.

General Secretary DiCaro has stated to Russian officials that Russia’s ordinary citizens and basic companies have been affected by the attack on Ukraine allegations.

Referring to the proposal adopted by the Protection Council, he said that the peace of Ukraine should be achieved at the United Nations Charter, International Law and the General Assembly proposal to be equitable, sustainable and wider levels.