The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has confirmed that due to increasing violence, food and nutrition support had to be stopped to save lives.
WFP spokesman Lenny Kinzali said Friday that the camp of the camp in the camp had no choice but to protect their employees from there.
“The recent violence of Jamjam has also destroyed the central market … about five million residents of the camp, were far from reaching food and essential food items,” Lenny Kinjali said.
Sudan’s government forces have been fighting the Quick Support Force (RSF) for almost two years, who have become enemies from their former colleagues. Now almost the entire Darfur is controlled by the RSF, but the city near Jamjam, Al -Fashar, has been blocked for RSF.
It is reported that on February 7, the RFF Militia attacked the Jamjam camp and fought with the army and allies for several days.
WFP spokesman Lenny Kinjali said, “Jamjam people are already on their death due to hunger, including children. And the situation will get worse that we have been forced to postpone the operation.
WFP and partners, before being forced to stop the promotion of Jamjam due to heavy shootings, provided food vouchers to 60,000 people.
With the help of food vouchers, families are able to buy essential food items such as grain, pulses, oil and salt directly from the local market.
Lenny Kinzali said that the WFP was making every possible effort to provide significant support to those whose lives were imbalanced.
He said that due to ongoing violence and insecurity, the UN agency “should” constantly remove obstacles and obstacles “.
The WFP has launched an online self-registration assistance forum, which reflects the need to find alternative ways to help communities separated from war like Jamjam, which is now active and providing cash-based assistance in remote areas of the country.
Assistance needs to be resumed again
WFP spokesman Lenny Kinzali said, “The distribution of life -saving assistance in Jamjam and its surrounding areas must be resumed.
In 2021, two out of every three of Sudan at the risk of famine or famine received the help of WFP, but humanitarian assistance workers warned that this was not enough.
“The only way to restore Sudan’s famine to Sudan’s famine is to provide regular, menstrual materials to the monthly,” the UN Food Aid Agency says.
He warned that he was “scattered and unattractive” at risk of famine and famine.
At this time in Sudan’s 27 places, 2 million people are facing famine or are at its gates.