Bholkar Turk told the Human Rights Council on Monday, “Our world is going through a period of unrest and unpredictableness, which is seen in increasing war and conflicts and divided societies.”
“We can’t let the basic global sense of the basic global cens in front of our eyes, international standards and organizations, which are made by hard work.”
UN Human Rights High Commissioner Bholakar Turk, while presenting new information about the situation of more than 5 countries, describes the fact that legal security systems for people and parties who are not involved in the war are being repeatedly ignored.
Bholkar Turk said “ordinary people are being deliberately being attacked. Sexual violence and famine are being used as a weapon of war.”
“Deprived of humanitarian assistance, weapons are being sent out of bounds and bypassing international restrictions. And humanitarian assistance workers have been targeted.”
“The world’s most terrifying crisis in the world, providing assistance to the world in 2021, 6 human workers were killed,” he said.
Unbearable price
Sudan’s Human Rights High Commissioner, in the fields of heavy populations involved in the war, condemned the destructive bombing with full punishment.
He said that in the meantime, the worst human destruction in the world is deepening, which threatens regional stability, “ordinary people are giving unbearable prices to nude war for strength and resources.”
“To prevent war all countries, to start inclusive conversations and infections in the Civil -Ledarip government, they need to use their effects to press the sides and their colleagues.”
… I continue to continue …