

Otunbayeva, head of the UN mission in Afghanistan, says the position is shrinking for discussion with the Taliban. According to him, the governments of some countries have raised the question that the fundamentalists are likely to strengthen refreshment with the Talban.

At the same time, Afghanistan is fighting the budget disadvantages due to global priority changes and resuscitation of assistance, the country is at risk of drowning in deep poverty holes in the country.

“This result can be avoided, but only if all stakeholders can understand and try to avoid this risk, especially the Facts (D Facto) administration.”

Special representatives said that if they were very helpful to get a clear indication from the Taliban administration, they were committed to re -consolidation of Afghanistan with the international community.

According to him, this is a moment of reality.

Help to spend money

Afghanistan is currently through a serious humanitarian crisis, where about half of the country’s population, about 2.5 million people need international assistance and protection.

However, due to the amount of money, 200 health centers have been forced to close, which has affected 20 million people. Also, the level of malnutrition services has also decreased.

Afghanistan’s economy moved at 2.7 percent speed in 2021, which is a major cause for which the infrastructure was invested at the regional level.

The head of the UN mission said that this little economic growth could not reduce the impact of severe reduction with foreign assistance. “Life and livelihood will make and development progress will be shocked …”

Challenge in connection with the international community

The mission chief has said that the Taliban procedures for international obligation are obstructing the world community to re -integrate Afghanistan.

He said that the Taliban participated in some technical discussions and drug addiction and private sectors to develop. However, no special progress has been made on other major issues like human rights.

According to Rosa Otunba, the Afghan administration has treated its international obligations. Some obligations have been rejected that they have accused the country’s sovereignty or their traditions violation of the Taha.

He warns that these international obligations not only affect the possibility of the country’s progress, but it is also associated with the welfare of the entire population of Afghanistan.

Micro situation for women’s rights

There are especially worrying situations for women and girls in the country, where serious people have been imposed on their rights and freedom.

According to the Mission Head, the treatment institution is banned from departure for female students. It was in the selected region where it was possible for women to get professional education.

However, these people have the potential to have a profound impact on the motherhood and health welfare of the newborn.

Rosa Otunbeva said that the roads are still present for contact and interaction with the Taliban. A framework has also been found to increase the confidence of the development of the private sector and the discussion of drug resistance. However, the progress is dependent on the political will in each direction.