India: Mamata’s ‘Knock’ from home from home, UNICEF’s Child Assistance Project

India: Mamata's 'Knock' from home from home, UNICEF's Child Assistance Project

It was done in Jainpur village of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. The birds scream in the village, the children who go to school, the bells of the school, the new water tank system is echoing the voice of women to fill the water.

In all of this, Asha activist Mama Devi is also getting ready for her daily routine.

Suddenly an hour of phone dissolves peace in Mama’s house.

The voice of anxious mom on the phone is heard, “Asha Didi, my child is very fast fever. I have called 108.”

Mamata lifted her health bag and replied quickly, “You have done it completely, I’m here immediately. Waiting for me.”

Mamata reached the mother’s house and knocks on the door. Mamata’s nort is not only touched at the door, but also a promise of health, protection and hope for families fighting dangerous diseases.

Mamata, knocking on the door, thinks, “This is my job – stand to help my community and help them.”


Prior to 2018, Gorakhpur district was under this horrific epidemic. Especially during the monsoon season, hundreds of children died here due to very serious ansephilitis syndrome (this) and Japanese Anessephilis (J) during the monsoon season.

Mamata recalled, “At that time we did not know what the disease was. The parents of the children began to feel that it was a curse, and so they started sweeping instead of receiving treatment. The children were brought to the hospital, it was too late.”

Then in 2018, the Uttar Pradesh government started Dostak Avian with the help of UNICEF. Under this, immediate revenge was taken to tackle very serious encephalitis syndrome and Japanese encephalitis.

Gorakhpur Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Dube has said that Dostak means every house is shaking! Which ensures that no child is behind. ”

The purpose of the promotion is to identify the symptoms of the disease and prevent it by vaccinating. As part of the campaign, people were made aware of each house.

“The Knock (Knock) in collaboration with UNICEF and the Health Department started with 7 districts,” said Da Shankar Singh, Social and Condition Officer of India UNICEF.

Instant treatment for Bukha was promoted care and safe water use habits. That is why Asha activists and Anganwadi employees were trained to contact the community and explain them effectively.

Assist in e-coaches

The role of Mamata was changed by joining the document as an aspirant activist. After training, Mamata entered his community’s attitude towards health.

Mamata said, “We first learned to recognize the primary signs of the disease and advise families. We were taught to use digital equipment like the unilateral portal to monitor the cases.”

The Ekla Portal Helps Health Workers and Community Health Officers (CHOS) healthcare to provide health care better.

It helps to supply and monitor important health information for fields such as maternal and child health, nutrition and non-infectious diseases.

Mamata Yadav used to go to her work in the morning.

Mamata goes home every day by filling up slips and stickers in her health bag. Mamata says, “It was not easy at the beginning. Families were hesitant about vaccination. He felt that the injection would make his kids sick. To ensure that the vaccine was safe, I had vaccinated in front of my kids. He believed me.”

Knock promotion is proven as an important turn for compassion. This campaign not only trained Mamata, but also provided the necessary equipment and expert assistance.

He explained, “We learned to quickly detect primary symptoms, consult with family and save life immediately. For the first time I felt that my work was bringing real changes.”

State wide publicity

This campaign debuted as a state movement, which brought a revolution to awareness in all 75 districts and the vaccine rate increased. Due to the growing confidence in public health facilities, the number of people treated with with registered doctors begins to decrease.

Clean water, cleanliness and mosquito control improved significantly, which reduced the AS and JE cases in Gorakhpur.

Mamata emerged as the face of the Dostak expedition in her village. Now every house is warmly welcomed Mamata. In addition to UNICEF, about 5 revolution, including health, hygiene and education, work, provides UNICEF technical directions and resources.

In the area, people are now being vaccinated without hesitation.


One of the main tools of naking promotions is to identify the symptoms of the disease and to be treated quickly. Mamata still remembers a case. In his village, a boy had severe fever during the monsoon season. His parents called Mamata a little hesitant.

Mamata asked her parents to call 108 immediately and went to the health center with them. The boy received proper treatment in the child intensive medical unit (PICU).

Pediatrician Dr. Gyan Prakash Gupta said, “Children often die of this national disease before the Dostak Expedition. Parents now come to the hospital with their children and we are successful in saving children’s lives because of PICU and trained hope.

Under the document campaign, cleanliness, cleanliness and safe drinking water supply were also worked.

As part of the document campaign, Mamata organizes a health camp, where children are vaccinated against Jay. In the camp, mothers come to raise health related health. Mamata says, “Vaccines protect children from diseases that cause disaster in our community.”

“Asha Didi explained how our vaccines work in the village, Nilu, a mother in the village. Now I am not afraid to vaccinate my kids, but I am confident that my child will be safe for vaccination.”

Positive health results were published in Uttar Pradesh after the document began. Now 35 lakh 91 thousand families are moving forward every year and vaccination is being made to avoid this and JE.