Islamophobia Day: Calling to reject hatred and discrimination on the basis of religion

Islamophobia Day: Calling to reject hatred and discrimination on the basis of religion

UN General Secretary Antonio Gutesh, a message on the occasion of International Day to compete with Islamophobia, expressed racial identity and discriminatory policies, which violate human rights and dignity.

These include violence activities against individuals and prayers (mosques).

“It is part of the intolerance, the ultimate ideology and the widespread crisis of religious groups and the weak attacks against the weak population,” he said.

He said that when a party was attacked, “everyone’s rights and freedom falls into danger”.

Antonio Gutresh has called for all people around the world to reject and eliminate them and to raise their voices against Zenophobia and discrimination.

He urged the countries of the countries to promote social harmony and protect religious freedom and to prevent hatred and oppression from the online forums.

The UN chief said, “To compete with Islamophobia on this international day, let us work together to maintain equality, human rights and dignity and create an inclusive society where everyone can live with peace and harmony regardless of religion.”

Remember the program at the general gathering

Meanwhile, the UN member state gathered at the General Assembly on Friday to draw attention to the worrying growth of opposition -Muslim Spirit (Islamophobia).

In 2022, the United Nations established the International Day to oppose Muslim consciousness. For this, a resolution was unanimously passed in the UN General Assembly.

In the proposal, strong international efforts to promote the culture of tolerance and peace at all levels on the basis of respect for human rights and religion and faith.

The UN Mahasabha on the basis of religion or belief that the attack on all violence and prayer (mosque) against people was “strongly condemned”.

A combined responsibility

Mahasov’s president, Filaman Young, attracted the role of extremist ideology in promoting hatred.

He condemned the spread of violence related to religion, saying, “We cannot accept Islam abuse for malicious objectives.”

He also said, “Islamophobia is not a separate issue. It is a matter of widespread spread of genophobia, intolerance, racism, genderism and hatred.”

The image of women must stop wasting

He further emphasized that there is a great deal of commitment to tolerance in the image of the image of Muslim women, especially in the image of Muslim women.

He said, “Especially Muslim women are oppressed by their religion because of deep wrongdoing about them, they face extra difficult conditions.”

He kept focus on the requirements of inclusive policies, celebrating diversity and ensuring equal rights for all.


Miguel Angel Moratinos, a UN high representative for the alliance of the civilization, reclaimed the importance of unity and mutual understanding as part of a widespread call for Islamophobia.

He said, “We need to stand against all kinds of hatred and discrimination.”

He emphasized on the need to create a peaceful dialogue and honor environment between all religious and cultural communities on behalf of the government.