Be careful if you also wear earphones

Be careful if you also wear earphones

New Delhi. There is no hesitation in saying that gadgets have not only made our life easier, but it has now become such an important part of our life that life seems incomplete without it. Especially among the youth, the craze for various types of gadgets seems to be at its peak. Gadgets are now seen playing an important role in our lives, from the beginning of the morning till we sleep at night, but it would not be fair to deny that these gadgets also have some disadvantages. One of these is earphones. Nowadays, you will see many youth wearing earphones while traveling in bus, metro or even on the roads. Many of them will be seen listening to songs, many watching films and many watching their favorite videos. At the same time, earphones have also become an important part of the professional life of many people. Without this, they cannot carry out activities related to their professional life, but the damage caused by it also cannot be ignored. Doctors say that wearing earphones can prove harmful for our ears. If you keep wearing earphones for several hours a day, then now is the time to be careful, because if you keep doing so, it may reduce your hearing ability. Dr. Atul Mittal, Principal Director (ENT), Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, had a detailed conversation with IANS in this regard.

He said that wearing earphones has become a fashion among the youth nowadays. When you wear earphones, high intensity sound directed inside the ear can gradually damage the hair cells of your ear. I have seen in many young people that they gradually lose their hearing ability due to continuous wearing of earphones. In such a situation, I tell the youth to avoid using it. He further said that now this question comes in the mind of many people that for how many hours should they wear earphones in a day, but being a doctor, I never suggest anyone to wear earphones. If you want to listen to music, I would suggest using a sound system. This will be a good option. He said, keep one thing in mind that if you keep wearing earphones in your ears for a long time, it can cause fungal infection in your ears. You will notice sweating initially. After this, it will turn into infection and there may also be swelling inside the ear.