Bhopal. That was also a time when senior leaders of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani, did not take any important decision of their government without the opinion and prior permission of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, taking the Sangh into confidence first. After that the decision was taken, but for the last decade the situation is just the opposite, the same Bharatiya Janata Party is in power, but today the same Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is suffering and agitated due to its neglect and the neglect of this government has made the Sangh lose its organization. It has given new energy of activism to save the reputation, that is why in the last few days, Sangh chief Dr. Mohanrao Bhagwat has started looking quite active and busy. Now he is not worried about his government in any way, that is why he is talking about his organization. They are fully engaged in protecting their reputation, whether the ruling leaders maintain constant relations with them or not?
They are no longer worried about this, now they want to sacrifice everything in maintaining the credibility of their organization, in such a situation, if it is said that the officials of the ruling BJP and the Sangh are seen standing face to face, then definitely. Wouldn’t it be wrong? In this context, it is also worth mentioning here that due to the attitude shown by the National President of BJP while going to the National Conference of Sangh held in South India recently, it was decided that now Sangh and BJP are not together but both are face to face. And after this incident, the top officials of the Sangh themselves have started fighting for the existence of their organization, that is why today the leaders of both the like-minded organizations have started looking different and the Sangh seems to be more active. And perhaps that is why Sangh chief Dr. Mohanrao Bhagwat’s choice of words has become quite sharp. It is no surprise that the Sangh is seen in the role of a capable opposition, because the opposition that is in front of the government today is for the rights of the country and its countrymen. And keeping all these conditions in view, criticism of the leader of the opposition has also started, hence in such a situation, it would not be surprising if the Sangh and its leaders start being seen in the role of the opposition. Will it not happen?
In the context of all these situations, the lectures of Sangh chief Mohanrao Bhagwat are beginning to appear to be “double meaning”, sometimes he indirectly attacks the government in the name of Hindu and Hindutva and sometimes by exposing the conspiracies of our neighboring countries, today While Prime Minister Narendra Modi tries to show himself as a world class popular leader, sometimes Dr. Mohanrao Bhagwat is criticizing our foreign policy under the guise of foreign relations and the welfare of neighboring countries, Bhagwat clearly It is alleged that foreign powers are trying to destroy our social relations through their conspiracies and we and our government are watching all this silently with open eyes. If this process is not stopped, we will suffer a lot.
Now they have also started warning that if we remain weak and unorganized, it will be like inviting atrocities for us, hence we should be alert from now on. Thus, overall, now during the rule of BJP, the voices of the ruling organization and the Sangh have become different and this happening with the ruling party is not auspicious for the situation, situation and the country. We will have to be alert in this direction in time.