Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav gave his reaction regarding burning of firecrackers on Diwali. He said through a video posted on the social media platform ‘X’ that it is not possible for our government to stop anyone from burning firecrackers. The next day of Diwali, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav shared a video on social media platform ‘X’. Along with the video, he wrote that it is not possible for our government to stop anyone from bursting firecrackers, there is law and order rule in Madhya Pradesh, everyone should respect all religions while staying within their limits. If anyone takes law into their own hands, the government will not tolerate it. In the video, Mohan Yadav is heard saying that I have been told that people who were bursting firecrackers in Indore on the occasion of Diwali were stopped and a deliberate attempt was made to take law and order into their own hands.
He said that this will not be tolerated in our government. We have said that our government stands firmly for all religions, but no one is allowed to celebrate Diwali, how can this happen? Mohan Yadav said that the Government of India under the leadership of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is known for good governance in all the states. In such a situation, it is not possible to stop anyone from burning firecrackers while this government is in power. The miscreants have been dealt with strictly. While congratulating everyone on Diwali, CM said that everyone should respect the sentiments of all religions by staying within their own limits, but if anyone takes law into their hands, our government will not tolerate it.