Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

These are contraindicated in some medical conditions such as diabetes, Weak Eye Sight, Varicose veins, DVT, Pulmonary embolism, Gaol Stone, Liver Psoriasis, Kidney disease and unexplained uterine bleeding. If it is the first month of breast feeding or only a few weeks have passed since delivery, it is better not to take these, especially combination pills. If taking pills causes headache, stomach or chest pain, started having breathing problems, vision becomes blurred, If you feel pain along with swelling in your legs, consult a doctor.

The easiest way of family planning is contraceptive pills. Take one pill every day, life is tension free. No worries of pregnancy, no worries of abortion. Live freely. But this is not as easy as it seems. If it is convenient, then it has side effects too.

If you are asked how this world of 8 billion people was created? What will you answer? Think a little and tell me. If you are not able to understand. Then know that this world was created due to hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. These three are behind puberty, menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone are made in the ovaries, while testosterone is made in the testicles.

If their formation gets disturbed, pregnancy will not occur. Contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy by disturbing the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the female body. To disturb the balance, they contain synthetic versions of these hormones. These artificial hormones stop the process of egg formation in the ovary. And when there is no egg, there is no pregnancy.

how many types of pills?

There are two types of pills available in the market, combination and mini. Combination contains synthetic versions of estrogen and progesterone hormones while mini contains only progesterone. However, often due to these, problems like acne, heavy menstruation, anemia, endometriosis, POS get cured and periods become regular. Still, the harm caused by them is much more than the benefits.

Combination pills contain different doses of estrogen and progesterone. They do not allow the ovary to produce an egg and do not allow the sperm to attach to the uterine lining. This provides a strong way to prevent pregnancy. They are more reliable than mini pills.

Initial side effects

Disturbing the natural process in the body means going against nature. If you go against nature, you will have to suffer some loss. The initial side effects of contraceptive pills are seen in the form of spotting, nausea, headache, weight gain and hair loss. It is not necessary that all these symptoms are felt together. Some people have headaches, some have nausea. Yes, almost everyone faces problems like spotting and hair loss.

Spotting, that is bleeding after periods, is a common side effect of contraceptive pills. This happens when the uterine lining adjusts to the synthetic hormones. Usually, the adjustment process gets set in two to three months. If not, fix a time to take the pill. That is, if you take the pill at 10 am, then take it every morning around 10 am.

If you feel nauseous after taking the pills, take it with food or at bedtime. Wear a supportive bra to avoid breast tenderness. If you feel pain or lump in the breast, take it seriously. A painless lump in the breast can be a sign of cancer. The hormones present in the pills increase the frequency of headaches and migraines. In any such situation, ask the doctor to adjust the dose.

The problem of weight gain due to contraceptive pills is common. The reason behind this is water retention in the body due to the pills. In such a situation, to remove excess water from the body, reduce salt in the food and increase the daily water intake to at least three liters. Many women’s periods get reduced or stop completely due to taking pills. There is no need to worry about this.

A study done on 1 million women in Denmark revealed that synthetic hormones in pills increase the risk of mood swings and depression. If you feel anything like this, talk to your doctor about changing the pill. There have also been cases where taking pills thickened the cornea of ​​the eyes, which caused problems in wearing contact lenses. Therefore, people who wear contact lenses should talk to their doctor before starting pills.

In some women, the effect of pills is seen in the form of a decrease in sexual desire, while in some, it is seen in the form of an increase in sexual desire. If the sexual desire increases, then there is no need to worry. If it decreases, then take it seriously. Actually, this is the result of the increase and decrease in vaginal discharge during hormonal adjustment in the body. Decreased discharge increases dryness. Which causes unbearable pain. This reduces sexual desire. On the contrary, increased vaginal discharge increases sexual desire, but in the condition when there is no smell in the discharge. Smell means vaginal infection. In such a situation, talk to the doctor.

More harmful for whom?

Although these pills are safe for most women, according to a report by the World Health Organization, there is ample evidence that taking pills increases the risk of blood clotting and hypertension. If the clot goes to the lungs, it can lead to death. Some women also had heart attacks or strokes, but this is rare. Therefore, these pills should not be taken by women who have high blood pressure, smoke, are over 35 years of age and have a history of migraine, heart disease, breast cancer.

According to the National Cancer Institute, taking birth control pills increases the risk of breast and cervical cancer after taking the pills for at least 5 years. But they also reduce the risk of ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancer.

The effect of pills is different on different women. The chances of not getting pregnant after taking pills are 9%. If 100 women are taking pills, then it will not work on at least 9 of them. Apart from this, the biggest problem with these pills is that they cannot prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, rather their chances increase due to the lack of worry. It has also been seen that in many women, some side effects of pills got cured automatically in three-four months. But it is not necessary that this happens with everyone.

Who should not take contraceptive pills?

These are contraindicated in some medical conditions such as diabetes, weak eyesight, varicose veins, DVT, pulmonary embolism, gallstones, liver psoriasis, kidney disease and unexplained uterine bleeding. If it is the first month of breast feeding or only a few weeks have passed since delivery, it is better not to take these, especially combination pills. If taking the pills causes headache, stomach or chest pain, shortness of breath, blurred vision, pain along with swelling in the legs, then consult a doctor.