In the case of disarmament on behalf of the United Nations chief, the UN high -ups Ijumi failed, “important processes of disarmament have weakened.” Izumi Nakamitsu made the remarks during the inaugural session of the third meeting on behalf of the Nuclear Arms ban deal from the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Expressing concern, he said that the current unexpected situation can strengthen the misconception by raising fear among the people that it is very important to have nuclear weapons for complete protection.
However, the head of the UN disarmament also said that despite this challenging situation, there are some reasons for expectations.
One of the reasons is that global awareness about the destructive effects of these weapons is increasing. He pointed to the ‘future for the future’ and said that the entire focus was focused on the world -free world from nuclear weapons. Also, in 2021, the Japanese non -governmental organization Nihan Hidanki is also a good sign for the Nobel Peace Prize, as the company works to completely eradicate nuclear weapons.
Isumi fails It was said that the nuclear weapons prohibited agreement has raised the growing membership of countries, widespread busyness with civil society and newly established scientific networks. Experts on this network provide evidence-based information.
So far, 73 countries have confirmed or approved the agreement and 94 countries have signed it.
Toward the world of nuclear weapons-moving steps
This week, the government, the international organization and the civil society, the nuclear weapons are gathering for the third meeting of the countries in favor of the agreement. The main agenda of this meeting is to prepare for the review conference before the agreement and prepare for outline at the future level.
It will focus on many important issues that lead to panel discussions and debates, including the threat of humanity and its destructive humanitarian consequences, security concerns, support of the victims and the effort to improve the environment.
It is hoped that before the meeting ends on Friday, all the representatives will be able to agree to a political advertisement.
What is in the contract?

In fact, a legal obligation agreement on nuclear weapons ban is the first multilateral nuclear disarmament agreement in the last two decades. It was adopted on July 7, 2017 and was applied on 22 January 2021.
At that time, the Secretary-General of the United Nations called it an important step to achieve nuclear weapons-free world that showed the support for the multilateral system in nuclear disarmament.
Under this agreement, there are widespread restrictions for involvement in any activities related to nuclear weapons. It has been banned from developing nuclear weapons, testing, manufacturing, acquiring, ownership, saving, use or usage.
In this agreement, nuclear weapons in any nation are also prohibited, or any other country is also forbidden to assist in limited activities. Furthermore, there is a provision to help individual countries who have been damaged by nuclear weapons under the jurisdiction. Also, the provisions have been included for the efforts of environmental improvement for re -environmental reforms of polluted regions due to nuclear weapons test or use.
Full information regarding the prohibited agreement of nuclear weapons Here Available