Prosecutor Karim Khan on Monday emphasized the immediate need for justice and accountability by information about Sudan’s ambassador to Sudan, Sudan’s ambassador to Sudan.
He said, “Crime is increasing in Darfur. Ordinary people are being targeted, women and girls are being subjected to sexual violence and the whole community is being destroyed.”
“This is not just an assessment; this is a strict analysis on the basis of verified proof.”
Violence in Darfur displaced thousands of families and destroyed the area, an important citizen infrastructure was attacked, ordinary people were killed and community suffer from famine and disease.
Deep crisis
UN Secretary -General Antonio Guterres also mentioned the seriousness of the situation in the greater region. He condemned the attack on the Saudi Educational Hospital in the Saudi education system in the al-Fashar region of North Darfur.
The attack reported at least 70 patients and their relatives and many others were injured.
Stepan Duzarik, a spokesman for the general secretary on Monday, “The horrific attack that has been badly influenced by the only operated hospital in Darfur’s largest city has passed more than 21 months, Sudan’s health care system has been destroyed.”
Repeating the General Secretary, the General Secretary said that international human law made it compulsory for the treatment facilities and the staff to intentionally target these national benefits.
He also reiterated his call for the immediate enmity and permanent, inclusive political conversation to end the war.
Karim Khan, the ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, called on the Security Council to show his promise to the policy mentioned in the proposal numbers of the year 5, where Darfur’s location was sent to the ICC.
He said, “This resonance still resonates in our ears, which is why the situation was originally given to the ICC.”
He warned that the new generation was facing the same brutality that their parents were confronted.
The ICC prosecutor announced that his office was preparing a new arrest warrant related to the crime committed by the warning parties in West Darfur.
He emphasized that these applications would only proceed with the proof of the view, so that the true possibility of being convicted could be guaranteed, which would strengthen the ICC’s promise to ensure justice of the victims.
Former President Omar al-Bashir and other high-ranking officers also emphasized the need for further cooperation in transferring the abusers to the court, according to the ICC records, accused of war crimes and humanity.
ICC prosecutor Karim Khan also presented a serious picture of the human and protection situation in Darfur.
He said, “The communities that were targeted 20 years ago are still suffering from misery, where crime is being used as a weapon of war.”
He emphasized that these nationalities violate international human law; And demanded immediately stop violence.
Karim Khan said in conclusion that he emphasized the moral and legal responsibility of the international community to provide justice.
He said, “The people of Darfur are in danger and they have the right to get justice. It is time to fulfill the promise of the 1593 proposal of the Security Council.”
“Now is the time to fulfill the promise of joining the hands of the hands and the uninterrupted cycle of frustration, which was confronted by the people of Darfur.”