The UN is addressing an emergency meeting of the Arab countries in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on Tuesday, where the current situation in the Middle East and the Gaza reconstruction project is being discussed.
General Secretary Gutresh emphasized that the work of rebuilding the worse in the region should be shown in accordance with international law and its principles, so that the cycle of violence could be stopped.
“The real foundation of the Gaza restaurant will increase from concrete and steel.”
“It will be dignity, self-realization and protection. The Foundation means to the truth of international law towards the stone. This means rejecting any kind of racial cleanliness. And that means the formation of a political solution. “
General Secretary Gutresh believes that the attempt to reconstruct the political solution cannot be separated from the situation. “It is not enough to end the instant crisis.”
“We need an obvious political structure, which reinstates Gaza, the basis of restructuring and preparing the basis of permanent stability.”
The UN chief said he realized the concerns of Israel’s protection, but the Israeli army should not have long -term presence in Gaza.
‘Unprecedented destruction’
The Israeli military action in Gaza has caused disaster at the unprecedented level. According to an estimate, five million tonnes of ruins are scattered here. More than 60 percent home, that is, more than 2.5 lakh houses, percent 5 percent of the roads were broken.
UN development programs and environmental organizations are safely discussing the ruins of their partner organization and the Palestinian administration, so that the affected families can restore their homes.
Earlier, UN parties played an important role in restructuring and re -processing in other cities, including Mosul in Iraq, and Syria’s Aleppo, where there was serious destruction from the war.
According to an estimate, this effort requires about $ 53 billion in Gaza.
Apply to maintain the ceasefire
The United Nations has issued a warning in Gaza in the critical human conditions that if violent conflict rejuvenates, millions of people will again be caught in the region of pain and instability in the region.
“We need to stop conflict at every price again.” In view of this, he urged all parties to fulfill the resolutions scheduled for a ceasefire and the ceasefire, and emphasized the restoration of the negotiations at a later stage.
He said that all parties need to be sure that people have been treated with prisoners and bandits.
According to the United Nations Chief, the needy Palestinian people in Gaza have to provide humanitarian assistance and remove the obstacles present in this campaign.
He thanked the humanitarian assistance employees employed in the most difficult circumstances of ordinary citizens and revisited the full support of the UN agency (UNRW) for Palestinian refugees.
West coast
General Secretary Gutresh expressed concern over the growing violence on the west coast, where Israeli security forces have launched a large -scale protection promotion for the past few weeks. Under it airstrikes have been carried out and the tanks have also been deployed.
He said that more than 3,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homes during last month, which has been the largest displacement on the west coast over the past few decades.
Meanwhile, houses, forced evictions and Israeli settlements continue to decline, while on the other hand violence by the residents of Israeli settlement is increasing.
The UN applied to reduce the major tension and tension and said that one -sided system, expansion of settlements and threat of land grab need to be stopped.
As occupied power, Israel must discharge its fixed obligations under international humanitarian law, including international humanitarian law.
The UN chief said that the only way to lead peace in the Middle East is the two-native solution, where Israel and Palestine live in peace and protection with each other, according to the relevant proposal of international law and the United Nations, which will have the capital of the two countries, Jerusalem.