Shelter of Israeli expedition to UNRWA schools

Shelter of Israeli expedition to UNRWA schools

At that time, at least 350 students and 30 employees attended the Kalandia Training Center.

Tears were released during the Israeli campaign and sound bombs were used.

Earlier on Tuesday morning, the Israeli police officers, including the Israeli police officers, visited several UNRWA schools in East Uochlam and demanded to close them.

This operation by Israeli forces disrupts the education of about 250 students studying in three schools in UNRW.

In addition, 350 trainees were also affected at the Kalandia Training Center.

This condemns human rights violations

UN Secretary -General Anantonio Gutresh Israeli strongly condemned the Israeli campaign in East Jerushellam, occupying the Israeli campus with an attempt to enter three schools in three schools in UNRW.

“The use of tears gas and sound bombs in the educational environment during the student’s studies is both unnecessary and unacceptable,” general secretary spokesman Starfan Duzarik says.

He said, “This phenomenon is a clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international law, which includes the benefits of the UN and its staff and the responsibility of the evil people.”

The spokesperson Stepan Duzarik emphasized that Israel’s internal legal law, its international legal obligations do not change and the violation of these obligations cannot be justified.