UNRWA spokesman Jonathan Pholler told UN News that Israeli Parliament passed the Act in October (2021), which is implemented by Israeli officials any kind of communication with UNRWA and this company will be banned -Tarton Gaiza, East Jerusalm and West Coast. Will refrain from continuing.
Regarding the implementation of these laws, the role of Israel in the Palestinian region will also change Israel’s role and its effectiveness will be changed under the order given by the UN General Assembly in 1949, as well as the mandate provided.
UNRWA is considered as the backbone of the tasks of providing humanitarian assistance to about 60 million Palestinian refugees in the Middle East.
The company also provides education and healthcare to Palestinian refugees.
UNRW’s international workers arrived in Jordan
Israel’s responsibility in the Palestinian region issued visas at the international stops of humanitarian support agencies like UNRWA, UNRWA. The headquarters of this organization is in East Jerushellam and its campus has been preserved at a conference of 1946 diplomatic relations.
These laws of the Israeli Parliament have not yet been implemented, but their influence has already begun to appear in the UN promotion in the region.
Jonathan Pholler says Israel limited visas to all international workers from UNRW on Wednesday (January 26th), causing these international workers to be evacuated and declared as unwanted persons.
According to the latest data, the international workers present at the UNRWA Eastern ISSULULUS office on Wednesday had to vacate the campus and reach Amman city in Jordan. Office equipment and vehicles have also been removed from there and are trying to prepare the digital archive in other ways.
Jonathan Pholler said that UNRW’s national workers would be in East Jerushelum, but they were also at risk with development of Israel’s proposed protests.
During the Gaza War, there is a security concern for the UNRWA premises, where firing attacks and violent protests against IT.
UNRW Jonathan Pholler said that the agency should follow the Israeli order because of the rules and needs of the visa, however, East Yershlam is recognized as an occupied zone under international law.