UNGA79: ‘Russia cannot win on the battlefield, it tries to destroy the citizens of Ukraine by other means’

UNGA79: 'Russia cannot win on the battlefield, it tries to destroy the citizens of Ukraine by other means'

President Zelensky addressed the general debate during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday. He said, Russia is deliberately attacking our energy plants and grid.

All the country’s thermal power plants were destroyed and a large part of the hydropower capacity was also damaged.

“This is how (Russian President) Putin is preparing for winter, hoping that he will destroy millions of Ukrainian citizens, ordinary families, women and children and ordinary towns and villages.”

“Putin wants to leave Ukraine shivering in the dark, intent on tormenting and forcing it to surrender.”

Ukraine’s president asked leaders gathered for the annual general debate at the General Assembly hall to imagine what it would be like if 80 percent of their country’s energy system was destroyed.

“What kind of life would it be?”

President Zelensky said that according to his intelligence, Moscow planned to attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants and their infrastructure in order to disconnect them from the power grid.

According to him, if Russia were to destroy one of our nuclear power plants, the radiation would not be limited to the country’s borders, many other countries could face its devastating effects.

Ukraine’s leader has expressed anger that the Security Council has failed to address the war and that the UN is powerless when an aggressor country uses veto power.

‘peace proposal’

In contrast, he pointed to a peace resolution, which he said has the support of nearly 100 countries and international organizations and has no veto power.

“So, it’s the best chance for peace, everyone is equal, and it’s effective and comprehensive.”

President Zelensky said it prioritized nuclear security, energy security, food security, return of prisoners of war and ensuring Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Against this backdrop, he criticized alternative, half-hearted plans and proposals, saying they not only ignored Ukrainian interests and suffering, but also gave Russia an opportunity to continue fighting.

“I want peace for my people, real peace and just peace.”

“And, I am asking for your support from all the countries of the world. Become a United Nations through which we will achieve peace.”