In the 21st, the UN appointed Dr. Kiran Bedi, the first female police adviser to India, why the participation of women in this conference is important – “excluding women (peace) – he also emphasized why he ignored a large part of a large part.
He said, “Our presence ensures that the needs of women and children have been met and we can stand in support of the weakest people.”
The Historic Tihasik Conference on the theme “Women in Peace Entization: A Global South Perspect” was held in New Delhi, the Indian capital, on February 21-27, 21-27, where women peacekeepers were brought from five military yoga (TCC).
The conference, organized by the Government of India and the United Nations Peace Institute (CUNP), highlighted the need for more participation and leadership of women in the global peacekeeping mission.
Under the General Secretary Zion Peer Lacrowa, the United Nations emphasized that digital technology should still be done to protect peacekeepers and strengthen the role of women in peace and strengthen them.
The United Nations with gender equality
Despite the launch of various initiatives to increase the presence of women in UN peace, there are less than 10 percent of the total 70,000 uniform peacekeepers (military, police and supervisors) posted on this mission.
The United Nations aims to have 20 percent of the military soldiers and 20 percent of the police soldiers by 2021, which is part of the same gender equality strategy.
In peace – especially in the leadership of the leadership and uniform workers, the United Nations had a priority for a long time.
The UN peacekeeping mission structure is dependent on the addition of member states for military and police troops and this world agency has launched many programs in the past few years. Of these, the countries that contribute and the tendency are encouraged to deploy more female peace troops from this trend.
In 2000, the Protection Council’s proposal 1325 began to promote women’s important role in preventing war and solutions by calling for women to increase participation in all peace and security efforts of the United Nations.
After that, several proposals (WLS) were in peace and protection (1820, 1888, 1889, 2122, 2242), which emphasized the leadership of women in the peace process, restructuring after war and preventing sexual violence.
Specific training programs, including all women or gender-acquired courses, have been launched to enhance the leadership skills to prepare and deploy women.

Top of India
Global southern countries are the largest military contribution to the United Nations Peace system, of which India is the highest. As the world’s most military contribution country, India has a specific history of deploying women in both military and police roles.
• The 1960s: Indian female medical officer was deployed in Congo – which caused the Heritage of India’s women’s peace institution.
• 2007: India formed women made by Liberia (FPU). The Indian Police Unit (FPU) was the first country to deploy. This unprecedented step inspired to join local women’s protection sector and inspired the extensive efforts to increase UN women’s installations.
Today, more than 150 women, including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Lebanon and Golan Hills, are working as leaders in an important mission with peacekeepers.
The Foreign Minister of India addressed the conference through a video message. S. Zaishankar said that the UN Protection Council’s proposal for peace and protection in 2021 would end within 20 years for 120.
She emphasized the importance of progressing progress so far in order to enhance the role of women in peace and protection.

To get the obstacle: the inheritance of female peacekeepers
In Liberia, the Inspector General of India, who led India’s first female police unit (FPU), said, “We have included ourselves in the local society, interacting and implementing the inclusion.”
“Our efforts inspired young Liberian women to join their National Police. Until we left, the number of women in the National Police of Liberia increased significantly.”
This success story inspired other countries like Bangladesh and Rwanda to increase the deployment of female police to the UN mission.
Due to the active policy for the recruitment and training of women to establish peace, Rwanda is now one of the highest percentage of women in its security forces.
Rwanda, a peacekeeping Gorate Movenjangu Rwanda, highlighted the role of women in the war-related field, “Intelligence information about politics, protection and law enforcement was increased. Women’s participation was increased. And children were better affected.”

Inspiration and expert’s source
Many participants who attended the conference re -mentioned how women often bring invaluable views to the propagation of peace.
“Women encourage the inspiration of energy inspiration and the protection and rule of the country (UN peacekeeping mission),” said NS King Submani, Chief Liftinant General of the Indian Army.
He added, “Women are very good negotiaters and mediators. They help solve wars and wherever the mission is deployed, their presence increases operational effectiveness.
Guinea’s Pis Guard Major Thermite Mara recycled this feeling, “Women are the best conversation in the world. We work like mothers, sisters and family, which helps to create confidence. We understand when we use the force, but we Day ”.
A woman’s outlook: Protection and peace
From Liberia to Rwanda, Sri Lanka to Morocco, female peacekeepers, their converting influence on the host community. They provide operational functionality, sympathy and very important stability in the fields of war.
Indian Piskipper Lt. Col. Neha Khajuria, working in Manusco, recalled a painting competition organized for children, each of which had a gun in the picture. His team felt the immediate need for schools and worked to provide educational access.
Kazakhstan peacekeepers, Colonel Dilia, served at the Akhmetova Unifil, talked about repairing a church, construction of roads and organizing school programs, which highlighted the center of peace.
Moroccan Major Hind Jirari worked directly on the head of the village. He took the opportunity of his role as an Arabic speaker and created faith and understanding.
Captain Malik, a Cambodian peacekeeper, is universal in favor of Iman, “We can work equally like men. Works for the community to take compassion and positive changes.”
The conference ended for female peacekeepers, women’s participation and leading investment, which strengthens the structure of global peace -making structure.
Such as the main Hind Jirary said in the right words “safety and peace each person’s biggest need it it is extremely satisfied, and if I have to do it again I will do it without any hesitation”

However, the number of women in the past few decades has increased in peace. Between 17 and 5, the numbers, where only 20, have risen to about 6 thousand 200 by September 27, but the number is still less than 10 percent of the total uniformal independence.
Special coordinator Christian Sanders expressed mourning about the role of the main leadership of the United Nations for sexual abuse and abuse, “women are in conservative positions. We need more women, and more women need, and more women need, And more women need, and more women need to decide to promote peace. ”
Only one Sri Lanka reserve is active and there are more than 10,000 female workers in the three army, from which the actual installation of women is still decreased for quiet priests.
Sri Lankan Sri Lankan Shanti WT Anuradha Salamali Pereira said, “There are more than two and a half thousand female workers.
“Overall, there are more than 5 female workers, including 5 officers in the three Sri Lankan army, but only 22 are among the 5 peacekeepers posted on different missions. It is responsible for deploying female workers.”
India Police Inspector General, Sima Dhundia, said, “The question is not whether women can establish peace. Now the question is whether peace is possible without women.”